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Communicable diseases not only threaten the nation’s health but also its economic viability. The H1N1 virus (or better known as Avian Bird Flu) is one such example.The constant threat of common and emerging communicable diseases makes it important for businesses to take preventive measures to maintain a healthy workforce. However, there are many other infectious diseases that are less dramatic. Because they incubate and spread slowly among our community, many people do not perceive them as that serious. HIV /AIDS, Hepatitis B and Tuberculosis are such diseases.
They may be less dramatic, but no less important and definitely no less urgent.
Why businesses should be concerned about communicable diseases
The rationale for businesses to engage in workplace communicable diseases is simple and it does make a difference to the bottom line. Three reasons why it is necessary,
Bottom line benefits to Companies
- Reduce medical and insurance costs
- Reduce the loss of skilled workers who are directly or indirectly affected by communicable diseases
- Reduce labour cost by not retraining or replacing workers
Welfare of Employees
- Raise staff morale & level of acceptance- reduce stigma, discrimination and tension among co-workers
- Improve relations with staff by showing care & concern for their health
- Create conducive environment to generate productive and well-educated workforce
- Project the image of the company as a responsible employer among the business leaders
The Workplace Communicable Diseases Education Programme
A comprehensive package in awareness of communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Influenza in the workplaces that consists of the following:
Workplace Communicable Disease Talk
During the one hour interactive session, employees can learn more about HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Influenza and improve their knowledge on the ways these communicable diseases transmit and the ways to protect themselves and their loved ones. The session is suitable for lunch talks.
Roving Exhibitions
Workplaces can house the integrated roving exhibits at their offices for a week. The exhibits embrace the high technology including LCD screens and touch panel functions to raise the awareness of communicable diseases among the employees. Three pieces of exhibitions; one each on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Influenza will be delivered and set up at the workplaces at no cost.
Edutainment Road Shows
An exciting 45 minute edutainment road show delivered at your workplace for blue collar workers!An interactive and entertaining way to educate audience members and encourage them to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS via audience participation, entertaining skits and games. The road show will seek to find out who has what it takes to be able to deliver the “Golden Goal” and be the man of the match!
Print Materials
Posters, pamphlets and brochures are available for human resources professionals/ employers and employees to distribute or set up in the workplace. The print materials will be distributed to the workplaces on request from health promotion board for free.
Materials for Human Resource Managers
A frequently asked question booklet on managing issue of HIV/AIDS is available for HR managers. The booklet is based on the Guidelines on managing HIV/AIDS at the workplaces by Singapore National Employers Federation, SNEF. Tuberculosis Toolkit booklet will also provide important information to HR managers on the ways to pin down TB in the workplaces and the means to create a healthy working environment by providing support to Direct Observed Treatment (DOT).
Materials for Employees
HIV/AIDS pamphlets will educate the employees about the ways to protect themselves and their families from HIV/AIDS. TB pamphlets will also educate employees on how is TB transmitted and what is the treatment for Tuberculosis. Influenza posters summarize the most important ways to fight Flu.
Hepatitis B and Rubella Talk
Hepatitis B is the leading cause of liver cancer in Singapore and we can protect ourselves from it through immunisation. The talk will cover what is Hepatitis B infection, the transmission and prevention methods available. In addition, the talk will also tackle the common misconception on Hepatitis B that avoiding uncooked sea fish or cockles will not protect a person from getting Hepatitis B and correctly highlight that three full dose of vaccination is the only way to prevent Hepatitis B infection.
Rubella, though less well known compared to Hepatitis B is also a serious disease. Rubella infection can cause Congenital Rubella Syndrome with birth defects to the newborns of infected mothers. In order to avoid this, all women of child bearing age should be immunized against Rubella.
Influenza (Flu) Talk
Although Influenza is common around us, and a generally manageable infection, it can potentially be dangerous for certain pockets of our population (e.g.: children below 5 years of age, and elderly above 65 years of age), as they are more prone to severe complications arising from influenza infection. Each year, about 600 deaths among the 65 years old and above are influenza-related.
Frequent hand washing, Influenza vaccination, Going to your doctor early once you have symptoms of flu, stay at Home when you are down with Flu and using a Tissue or mask when you cough or sneeze are the simple ways that a person can FIGHT flu. Learn more about who are at risk of developing severe complications from influenza, and how you can protect yourself and your family against the Flu. Preventive measures taken against influenza are also beneficial in your preparation against a likely Pandemic Flu crisis (i.e. at home and at work).
Tuberculosis (TB) Talk
Do you know that the BCG vaccination given to all newborns in Singapore does not protect you against pulmonary TB infection?
Have you heard about multidrug resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extremely-drug- resistant TB (XDR-TB)?
Contrary to what most Singaporeans believe, Tuberculosis is still very much present in Singapore. The prevention and control of TB depends very much on communal responsibility of all residents in Singapore. More importantly, the HR managers of all organizations have a critical role to play in improving TB treatment in Singapore.
Come learn about TB prevention and understand the treatment regime involved for TB, and why is it important to complete TB treatment in the prevention of drug-resistant TB in Singapore.
HIV/AIDS Awareness
Would you want to know why a HIV/AIDS talk at the workplace could also be beneficial to your company?
Sign up now for a FREE HIV/AIDS awareness talk now. It can be held at YOUR workplace! Free informational materials can be provided for the talk.
Synopsis of the talk:
What is HIV and AIDS?
How is HIV spread and not spread by?
Is AIDS curable? Is there a vaccine for it?
What is HIV antibody screening? What does ‘window period’ mean?
Where can one go for HIV screening?
What is the current global, regional and local HIV situation?
Why is it important to know about HIV/AIDS?
To register for the HIV/AIDS Talk, email For more information on HIV/AIDS, visit the HIV/AIDS Education Programme page.
For assistance on bringing these programmes to your company, you can contact us at or call us at 6435-3178.