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Workplace Outreach Wellness Programme

What is Workplace Outreach Wellness (WOW) Programme?

The Workplace Outreach Wellness (WOW) Programme supports private companies of all sizes with a locally registered Unique Entity Number (UEN) in your goal towards a healthier, productive, and more engaged workforce. This programme is specially curated by the Health Promotion Board with a suite of workplace health promotion offerings, brought directly to your company's doorstep.

 i. General Workplace Health Programmes

Companies can select from a variety of on-site and/or virtual workplace health promotion offerings covering the following topics:

  • Physical Activity: Choose from an array of fun activities ranging from low, medium and high intensity. There will be something for everyone.
       Physical Activity
  • Nutrition: Have direct access to experts who will provide useful insights to equip your employees with better nutrition and dietary knowledge to make healthier choices.
  • Mental Wellbeing: Benefit from workshops that equip employees & managers/supervisors with ways to better manage stress/build mental resilience, & skills to recognise signs and symptoms of common mental health concerns respectively. Employees in the first two years of their career can also attend a customised workshop to build their resilience and social support at work, and adopt self-care practices.
         Mental Wellbeing
  • Ergonomics: Educate your employees on the risks of muscoloskeletal diseases and how they can prevent or manage body pain and lower injury rates at work through expert sharing.

ii. Chronic disease health screening & health coaching

A team would be deployed to your company premises to help your employees detect and manage their chronic disease with a basic health screening that covers: Body Mass Index, blood pressure, fasting blood glucose and fasting blood cholesterol.

As a follow-up from chronic disease screening, 1-to-1 lifestyle coaching sessions are offered by experienced health coaches to interpret individual health results and provide bite-sized advice and tips for participants to work towards improving their overall health. These coaching sessions can be offered face-to-face or via the phone, depending on the employee and employers' preference.

iii. Other HPB Programmes
Companies can also tap on other HPB programmes for their workplaces.

Corporate Challenge: As a sub-challenge under the National Steps Challenge NSCTM, Corporate Challenge offers organisations a great platform to promote staff cohesion, health and wellness. Organisations of any workforce size can be part of Corporate Challenge and be collectively rewarded when they meet the terms and conditions of the Challenge. Check out the Corporate Challenge webpage to find out more:

 Corporate Challenge Corporate Challenge Corporate Challenge

Smoking/Vaping Cessation: Encourage your employees to quit smoking/vaping by joining I Quit programme. I Quit is a free programme that supports smokers/vapers to quit by breaking down their journey into daily, small actionable steps. To help them sustain a nicotine-free lifestyle, individuals who participate in the programme are empowered with knowledge, motivation, and support to remain smoke/vape-free through their quit journey.

Smoking/Vaping Cessation

iv. Co-funding Arrangements

WOW programmes will be co-funded on a fixed rate, based on the respective programme category, subject to certain requirements and conditions. These offerings can be available on-site and/or virtually. Please see details in the below table.

Programme  Co-funding Amount from HPB  Additional Requirements and Conditions to be Eligible for HPB Co-Funding 
Chronic Disease Health Screening and Health Coaching
Health Screening: Up to $35 per pax

Health Coaching: Up to $25 per pax 
  • Minimum 10 pax per session for health screening
  • Eligibility Criteria:
    • Singaporeans/PRs 40 years or older and not previously diagnosed with a chronic condition or screened in the last 3 years1
    • Singaporeans/PRs between 18-39 years who are at risk of chronic conditions as identified by the Diabetes Risk Assessment tool and have not been screened in the last 3 years1
Physical Activity Up to $65 per session
  • Minimum participation of 15 pax per session
  • Participants will need to attend at least 50% of the session duration (e.g. for 1 hour session, they need to be present for at least 30 minutes)
  • Each company can enjoy funding for up to 4 physical activity sessions in their first year. No additional co-funding would be provided for subsequent years.
Nutrition Up to $150 per session 
  • Minimum participation of 15 pax is required
  • Participants will need to attend at least 50% of the session duration (e.g. for 1 hour session, they need to be present for at least 30 minutes)
Mental Wellbeing Up to $280 per session
  • Minimum participation of 15 pax is required
  • Participants will need to attend at least 50% of the session duration (e.g. for 1 hour session, they need to be present for at least 30 minutes)
Ergonomics Up to $135 per session
  • Minimum participation of 15 pax is required
  • Participants will need to attend at least 50% of the session duration (e.g. for 1 hour session, they need to be present for at least 30 minutes)

1Years derived based on year of screening offered under WOW minus last screening at a General Practitioner clinic, polyclinic, or hospital.

v. How do I get on-board the programme?

Please contact either one of the appointed Project Managers below for more details on how to get onboard WOW.

Integrated Health Plans (IHP) Pte Ltd

Tel: 6715 6188


Operating hours: Monday to Friday, except public holidays, 9am - 6pm
Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF)

Tel: 6290 7698


Operating hours: Monday to Friday, except public holidays, 9am - 5pm

vi. Useful Resources

a) Registration for Corporate Challenge: Register here
b) Access to Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator: ROI Calculator

  • The ROI calculator supports companies in estimating tangible outcomes from investing in the health of their employees and adopting wider workplace health practices.

  • c) Mindline at work: Click here
  • Mindline at work is a mental health and wellbeing resource platform containing a variety of tools and resources aimed at supporting employees at all levels to bring their best selves to the workplace. 