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Singapore HEALTH Award

The Singapore HEALTH Award is a national platform that celebrates commendable health promotion achievements of health-promoting partners across three outreach settings – Pre-schools, Workplaces and the Community.

[For Schools - Healthy Pre-Schools (Platinum) awards]

This award recognises pre-schools that have been accredited “Platinum” consecutively for three cycles under HPB’s Healthy Pre-school Accreditation Framework. Awardees have provided a supportive environment to ensure that pre-schoolers have access to healthy meals and active lifestyles in school, implemented interventions to help pre-schoolers maintain a healthy weight, as well as capacity-building initiatives for parents, teachers and staff members.

SHA Webpage 18 Feb

[For Workplaces – Organisational Champion awards]

This award recognises companies from both private and public sectors, SMEs and non-SMEs, as well as landlords and developers; for their efforts in bringing health and wellness programmes to workplaces, making healthy living more accessible to workers in Singapore.

The recognition structure for SHA 2024 (qualifying period: 1 Jan 2022 to 31 Dec 2023) comprises these categories:

Organisational Champions
  • The evaluation is a benchmark process amongst the submissions in each SHA cycle, and not based on prescribed or definite “best practices”
Achievement Award
  • Seeks to recognise companies that have displayed all-roundedness in health promotion
  • Companies must have been awarded “Excellence” for the last 2 consecutive SHA cycles (i.e SHA 2019 and 2022)
  • Recipients of two consecutive “Achievement” awards will be exempted from SHA for the next two cycles, and can only apply on the third cycle
Excellence Award
  • Seeks to recognise companies that have displayed health promotion efforts in most, if not all, health categories
  • There is evidence of efforts in all the components of evaluation: Positioning of Workplace Health, Programme Planning, Programme Comprehensiveness, and Evaluation
Applications are open from now till 24 May 2024.
The form with submission instructions can be downloaded here.

HPB will inform the winners of the event details by September 2024.

Past Workplace award winners can be found here.

[For Community - Health Ambassador Recognition awards]

This award recognises Health Ambassadors (HA) who have contributed significantly to the promotion of healthy living in the community. Their contributions include equipping citizens with tips and knowledge on healthy living, as well as organising health-related interest groups.

Other than their health promoting work in the community, HAs also have a direct role in collaboration with regional health services (RHSes) and in engaging patients with exercises and talks.

1. Volunteering Tenure
More than 5 years of active volunteering with HPB
2. Deployment
Fulfilled minimum deployment hours during the assessment period from Sept 2023 to Aug 2024.
3. Leadership
Served in a leadership role in one of HPB Health Ambassadors Network (HAN) Programmes.
Conducted regular trainings, assessment sessions and mentoring sessions from Sept 2023 to Aug 2024.

HPB will inform the winners of the event details in September 2024.

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