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ROI Calculator

Building the Business Case: Workplace Health Promotion Return-on-Investment Calculator

Roi Calculator

The Return-on-Investment Calculator is co-developed by HPB and health economist Dr. Joanne Yoong from the University of Southern California. It is the first public-resource tool for workplace health investment localized to Singapore’s context.

A self-help tool enabled by health economic models, the ROI calculator supports companies in estimating tangible outcomes from investing in the health of their employees. Aligned with HPB’s strategy of helping companies to quantify the benefits of workplace health initiatives, the tool offers companies a more compelling business case for adopting wider workplace health practices.

ROI Slide 5 Image

ROI Slide 8 Image

Please be assured that no data is collected through the calculator at the backend. 

  • These data and assumptions are drawn from pre-COVID studies and sources, and reflect existing programmes and interventions at the time. Results should be interpreted accordingly.
  • The model assumes a modest healthcare inflation rate, only drawing expenditures from public hospitals. Singapore Department of StatisticsMinistry of Health.
  • For the purposes of adjusting future cash flows to present-day values, the model assumes a standard periodic discount rate of 3%. The choice of the discount rate for costs and benefits is based on the return on risk-free government bonds, which are currently about 3% in Singapore. (Extracted from Agency for Care Effectiveness)
  • Future wage growth year-on-year (Extracted from Ministry of Manpower) is assumed to be similar to historical wage growth observed for Singapore over the past decade.


The following studies were used to estimate the ROI:

  1. Average (mean) usual hours worked: Ministry of Manpower Summary Table: Hours Worked.
  2. Average annual turnover rate: Ministry of Manpower Summary Table: Labour Turnover.
  3. Voluntary turnover: Voluntary turnover ÷ total turnover (13.82%/19.66% = 70% for Singapore), Slide 20 of a study by Mercer.
  4. Turnover cost: “A rule of thumb sometimes used is that is costs 50% of gross annual salary to hire a replacement.”, assumption for the Workplace Wellbeing Tool by UK Gov., Page 184.
  5. Gross monthly wage costs (including Employer CPF): Ministry of Manpower Gross Monthly Wage Costs.
  6. Baseline prevalence: Ministry of Manpower Summary Table.

Return-on-Investment Calculator (Projection Estimator)

  • Business Profile
  • Workplace Health Promotion programmes
  • Information on Workplace Health Promotion programmes
  • ROI Results
1. Business Profile
Please select industry type.
1. Industry Type
Please select work days per week.
2. What is the work arrangement for your organisation?
Please enter working hours per week. Invalid working hours per week.
3. Average working hours per week. (Default values have been provided based on MOM industry level data (1). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
Please enter number of full-time employees in your organization. Invalid number of employees.
4. How many full-time employees are there in your organisation?
* this should be greater than 0
Please enter the average annual turnover rate in your company. Invalid average annual turnover rate.
5. What is the average annual turnover rate in your company? (Default values have been provided based on MOM industry level data (2). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
% of existing workers
Please enter the voluntary fraction. Invalid voluntary fraction.
6. What fraction of this is voluntary?
Voluntary turnover Define as when employees willingly choose to leave their positions.
(Default values have been provided based on Mercer industry level data (3). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
% of all separations
Please enter annual turnover costs. Invalid annual turnover costs.
7. Please estimate your turnover costs (include recruiting/training costs and the cost of lost time)?
Tunover Costs This is the average (per employee) cost to your organizataion of a person leving including:
  • separation costs (redundancy costs, resigning costs)
  • loss of productivity (predeparture productivity loses, disruption of others in team, lower productivity of new recruit at the begining)
  • cost associated with covering duringthe vacancy period
  • recruitment and selection costs (advertising, agency costs, interview and assessment centre cost, administration)
  • new hire costs (including induction and training)
(Default value based on the assumptions for the UK Workplace Wellbeing Tool has been provided (4). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
% of annual wages
Please do not leave the cells blank. Invalid value in some cells.
8. What are your estimated gross monthly wage costs (including Employer CPF contributions) by age group? (Default values have been provided based on MOM industry level data (5). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
Please do not leave the cells blank. Invalid value in some cells.
9a. What is the proportion of full-time employees by age? (Default values have been provided based on MOM industry level data (6). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
Please do not leave the cells blank. Invalid value in some cells.
9b. What is the proportion of full time employees by sex within age groups? (Default values have been provided based on MOM industry level data (6). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
10. Which of the following best describes your employee health benefits coverage? (We understand that there might be variance in coverage depending on seniority among your staff. Please choose the most representative option. This selection will be applied to all staff.)
11. Does your plan cover hospitalization due to chronic diseases?
12. Does your plan cover the cost of outpatient visits?
2. Workplace Health Promotion programmes
Please select at least one programme.
Select Programme(s)
Chronic Disease Management
Please do not leave the cells blank. Invalid value in some cells.
% of employees with chronic diseases (You may be able to obtain the information from your corporate screening results) (Default values have been provided based on MOH (National Health Survey 2010) (7). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
High Cholesterol
Smoking Cessation
Please do not leave the cells blank. Invalid value in some cells.
% of employees with smoking habits. (You may be able to obtain the information from your corporate screening results) (Default values have been provided based on MOH (National Health Survey 2010) (7). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
Please enter average no. of sticks smoked per day. Invalid number of sticks.
Average no. of sticks smoked per day
Please enter time per stick in minutes. Invalid time.
Time per stick
Smoking Rates
Mental Wellness
Please do not leave the cells blank. Invalid value in some cells.
% of employees with Poor Mental Health (You may be able to obtain the information from your corporate screening results) (Default values have been provided based on MOH (National Health Survey 2010) (7). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
Poor Mental Health
Lifestyle Management
Please do not leave the cells blank. Invalid value in some cells.
% of employees with Obesity (You may be able to obtain the information from your corporate screening results) (Default values have been provided based on MOH (National Health Survey 2010) (7). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
Phisical Inactivity
3. Information on Workplace Health Promotion programmes
Chronic Disease Management
Costs of Programmes
(For example, if your programme lasts 6 months, please input the total costs incurred over the period of 6 months below)
Please enter Fixed costs. Invalid Fixed costs.
Fixed costs : admin/consumables
Fixed costs : admin/consumables i.e other administrative costs that aren't provided by vendor, e.g. staff overhead costs, marketing, incentives
* this should be greater than or equal to 0
Please enter Vendor fee per participant (screening). Invalid Vendor fee per participant (screening).
Vendor fee per participant (screening)
We have noted that you are paying $AMOUNT per participant for chronic disease screening. Do you know that on average, such health screening only costs $STANDARDAMOUNT per head? If you would like to know more about alternative programmes, please refer to * this should be greater than or equal to 0
Please enter Vendor fee per participant (intervention). Invalid Vendor fee per participant (intervention).
Vendor fee per participant (intervention)
We have noted that you are paying $AMOUNT per participant for chronic disease intervention. Do you know that on average, such interventions only cost $STANDARDAMOUNT per head? If you would like to know more about alternative programmes, please refer to * this should be greater than or equal to 0
Please enter Grants and subsidies. Invalid Grants and subsidies.
Grants and subsidies
Grants and Subsidies Grants and subsidies can refer to the amount you can receive to offset your programme costs. For example, HPB has various forms of grants and subsidies available. Please refer to: to find out more.
* this should be greater than or equal to 0
Participation Rate
Please enter Participation in cardiovascular screening. Invalid Participation in cardiovascular screening.
Participation in cardiovascular screening (Default value based on average from HPB programmes. If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
% of all employees
Please enter Participation in chronic disease management programmes. Invalid Participation in chronic disease management programmes.
Participation in chronic disease management programmes (Default value based on average from HPB programmes. If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
% of all employees who have abnormal health results
Smoking Cessation
Costs of Programmes
(For example, if your programme lasts 6 months, please input the total costs incurred over the period of 6 months below)
Please enter Fixed costs. Invalid Fixed costs.
Fixed costs : admin/consumables
Fixed costs : admin/consumables i.e other administrative costs that aren't provided by vendor, e.g. staff overhead costs, marketing, incentives
* this should be greater than or equal to 0
Please enter Vendor fee per participant (intervention). Invalid Vendor fee per participant (intervention).
Vendor fee per participant (intervention)
We have noted that you are paying $AMOUNT per participant for smoking cessation intervention. Do you know that on average, such interventions only cost $STANDARDAMOUNT per head? If you would like to know more about alternative programmes, please refer to * this should be greater than or equal to 0
Please enter Grants and subsidies. Invalid Grants and subsidies.
Grants and subsidies
Grants and Subsidies Grants and subsidies can refer to the amount you can receive to offset your programme costs. For example, HPB has various forms of grants and subsidies available. Please refer to: to find out more.
* this should be greater than or equal to 0
Participation Rate
Please enter Participation in smoking cessation programmes. Invalid Participation in smoking cessation programmes.
Participation in smoking cessation programmes (Default value based on Workplace Wellness Programs Study by RAND (2013) (8). If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
% of all employees who smoke
Mental Wellness
Costs of Programmes
(For example, if your programme lasts 6 months, please input the total costs incurred over the period of 6 months below)
Please enter Fixed costs. Invalid Fixed costs.
Fixed costs : admin/consumables
Fixed costs : admin/consumables i.e other administrative costs that aren't provided by vendor, e.g. staff overhead costs, marketing, incentives
* this should be greater than or equal to 0
Please enter Vendor fee per participant (intervention). Invalid Vendor fee per participant (intervention).
Vendor fee per participant (intervention)
We have noted that you are paying $AMOUNT per participant for mental wellness intervention. Do you know that on average, such interventions only cost $STANDARDAMOUNT per head? If you would like to know more about alternative programmes, please refer to * this should be greater than or equal to 0
Please enter Grants and subsidies. Invalid Grants and subsidies.
Grants and subsidies
Grants and Subsidies Grants and subsidies can refer to the amount you can receive to offset your programme costs. For example, HPB has various forms of grants and subsidies available. Please refer to: to find out more.
* this should be greater than or equal to 0
Participation Rate
Please enter Participation in mental wellness programmes. Invalid Participation in mental wellness programmes.
Participation in mental wellness programmes (Default value based on average from HPB programmes. If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
% of all employees
Lifestyle Management - Physical Activity
Costs of Programmes
(For example, if your programme lasts 6 months, please input the total costs incurred over the period of 6 months below)
Please enter Fixed costs. Invalid Fixed costs.
Fixed costs : admin/consumables
Fixed costs : admin/consumables i.e other administrative costs that aren't provided by vendor, e.g. staff overhead costs, marketing, incentives
* this should be greater than or equal to 0
Please enter Vendor fee per participant (intervention). Invalid Vendor fee per participant (intervention).
Vendor fee per participant (intervention)
We have noted that you are paying $AMOUNT per participant for lifestyle physical activity intervention. Do you know that on average, such interventions only cost $STANDARDAMOUNT per head? If you would like to know more about alternative programmes, please refer to * this should be greater than or equal to 0
Please enter Grants and subsidies. Invalid Grants and subsidies.
Grants and subsidies
Grants and Subsidies Grants and subsidies can refer to the amount you can receive to offset your programme costs. For example, HPB has various forms of grants and subsidies available. Please refer to: to find out more.
* this should be greater than or equal to 0
Participation Rate
Please enter Participation in lifestyle physical activity programmes. Invalid Participation in lifestyle physical activity programmes.
Participation in physical activity programmes (Default value based on average from HPB programmes. If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
% of all employees
Lifestyle Management - Nutrition
Costs of Programmes
(For example, if your programme lasts 6 months, please input the total costs incurred over the period of 6 months below)
Please enter Fixed costs. Invalid Fixed costs.
Fixed costs : admin/consumables
Fixed costs : admin/consumables i.e other administrative costs that aren't provided by vendor, e.g. staff overhead costs, marketing, incentives
* this should be greater than or equal to 0
Please enter Vendor fee per participant (intervention). Invalid Vendor fee per participant (intervention).
Vendor fee per participant (intervention)
We have noted that you are paying $AMOUNT per participant for lifestyle nutrition intervention. Do you know that on average, such interventions only cost $STANDARDAMOUNT per head? If you would like to know more about alternative programmes, please refer to * this should be greater than or equal to 0
Please enter Grants and subsidies. Invalid Grants and subsidies.
Grants and subsidies
Grants and Subsidies Grants and subsidies can refer to the amount you can receive to offset your programme costs. For example, HPB has various forms of grants and subsidies available. Please refer to: to find out more.
* this should be greater than or equal to 0
Participation Rate
Please enter Participation in lifestyle nutrition programmes. Invalid Participation in lifestyle nutrition programmes.
Participation in nutrition programmes (Default value based on average from HPB programmes. If you have company-specific data, please input them.)
% of all employees
Past performance and pricing is used as an indicative assumption only and not a guarantee of future values.