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1 in 4 Singaporeans has 1 or more chronic disease(s) such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.  Such diseases can lead to serious complications like heart problem, stroke, kidney failure etc. if they are not detected early and managed properly.

Employees suffering from such complications could potentially affect the company's healthcare costs, productivity rate and morale level.  To minimize such potential negative impact, employers can encourage their employees to go for regular health screening.  Regular health screening can help detect 'silent' diseases that may not show any signs or symptoms in the early stages.  Early detection is the key to better treatment outcomes. Together with proper management of the conditions, one can continue to remain employable and contribute to the organisation.

What is Health Screening
Health screening consists of tests, examinations or other procedures to determine if a person has a particular disease or condition.

Who should go for Health Screening?
Healthy individuals who are at an average risk and do not experience any symptoms should go for regular health screenings to help detect diseases early.

Tips on Organising Health Screening at Your Workplace

  • Regular intervals - Screening should be carried out on a regular basis. A one-off screening will only pick up health conditions that are presented at the particular time of screening. Regular screening can detect conditions that may develop after the previous screening.
  • The Health Promotion Board recommends the following essential screening tests and their recommended frequency for normal risk adults:


Condition Recommended Age for Screening Screening Test / Frequency
Obesity 18 years old and above Check body mass index
Once every year
High Blood Pressure

40 years old and above

Check blood pressure
Once every year
Diabetes 40 years old and above Check blood glucose
Once every 3 years or more frequently as advised by your healthcare provider
High Blood Cholesterol 40 years old and above Check blood lipids
Once every 3 years or more frequently as advised by your healthcare provider
Breast Cancer
50 years old and above Screening mammography
Once every two years
Cervical Cancer

25 years old and above
(who have ever had sexual intercourse)

Pap Smear
Once every 3 years
Colorectal Cancer 50 years old and above Faecal occult blood test
Once every year
  • Health Risk assessment - A health risk assessment (lifestyle survey) is usually conducted by the service provider during health screening exercise. This identifies potential risk factors and assess a person's risk of getting certain conditions. This is usually done through questionnaire that derives information on lifestyle practices.
  • Reports
    • Individual report
      The health service provider will provide the employees with an individual report with interpretation of screening results.  Advice on how to reduce risk factors and follow-up referrals should be included.  These reports are confidential and are not shared with the organisation.
    • Corporate report
      For corporate health screening, a corporate report is should be made available for the organisation. The report should contain information on the overall health status of the employees.  Based on the report, organisation can tailor follow-up programmes to the needs of the employees.
Who to Contact

S/N Services Details
1 Corporate/Group Health Screening Refer to the Directory of Health Promotion Services for the list of health screening providers.
2 Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening

Workplaces that are interested to organise mammography or Pap smear screening for their female employees can arrange for group screenings to be done at the polyclinics or various screening centres.

For more information , please contact Ms Tracy Tong at DID: 6435 3694 or email

If you are keen to bring the Mammobus for breast cancer screening or Mobile Clinic for cervical cancer to your workplace, you can contact :

Ms Lee Jen Nee from National Healthcare Group Diagnostics at DID: 6496 6633 or email her at