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Secondary Schools & JCs

At HPB, we encourage schools to establish a culture that promotes healthy and active living. Here are some programmes your school can adopt to empower students, staff and parents in supporting this culture.

Creating a supportive environment

We have a variety of programmes that help students learn about nutrition, physical activity, substance abuse, mental health and sexuality education.

For Students

  • Nutrition
  • Physical Activity
  • Tobacco Control 
  • STI/HIV Prevention 
  • Integrated Health 
  • Targeted Intervention

These programmes aim to help students whose health are at risk due to poor weight management or addictions. Students are empowered to make lifestyle modifications and develop healthy coping habits.

For Educators 

For Parents 

Contact Details

Schools are invited to book these programmes through our new Operation Management System (OPMS). A detailed guide for booking these programmes can be found here. For further queries, please email us at